What is
The Market Shoppe at
Rocklands Market?
The Market Shoppe at Rocklands Market is a Sunday market hosted by The Market Shoppe. This Market is focusing on food, beverage, music, art and wellness. Imagine, a festival every weekend!
How can I benefit
from participating in
this market?
Vendors (especially those who join us for the season) will benefit from being surrounded by other high quality vendors. There will be a large online, radio and print promotion drawing new customers from near and far. We intend to catch those visiting cottage country on their way home, as well as being a “must see” destination for locals and tourists alike. You will have a broad reach allowing you to engage in the community and sell directly to your customers.
What is
Rocklands Market?
Rocklands Market is a breathtaking privately owned new event venue nestled in the natural beauty of Berkeley, Ontario. This venue is open to rentals for special occasions. Visit rocklandsmarket.com for more information.
“Where contemporary country charm & people meet”
Additional Marketing opportunity for
Seasonal Vendors
The Market Shoppe has a dedicated page on our website to promote The Market Shoppe at Rocklands Market. Seasonal Vendors may have an advertisement area on the page which will include a photo, blurb about their business and links to drive traffic to their website (or social media) directly. This information must be provided prior to the market season to ensure the opportunity to be added to the website.
When & Where is
The Market Shoppe at
Rocklands Market happening?
The 2023 market season,
will run on Sundays for
6 weeks only!
From Canada Day Weekend (June 30th, 2024) until Civic Holiday Weekend (August 4th, 2024). The market will be open to customers from 9:00am until 4:00pm
every Sunday.
It is located at 580364 Sideroad 60, Berkeley, just East of Highway 10!

Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.
Or if you are ready to make the commitment fill out the
Vendor Application Form below.
Would like to pay in cash, by e-transfer or by cheque?
Download the Application below, fill it out and email to themarketshoppe@outlook.com.

Become a Vendor
Quick Links
Download your own copy of the Vendor Application form below. Fill out the information and send back to themarketshoppe@outlook.com. Vendor Fees accepted in cash, cheque or e-transfer to the above mentioned email address.
We’ve partnered with Duuo Insurance to offer The Market Shoppe at Rocklands Market vendors affordable short-term insurance coverage that meets our requirements. Get set-up in minutes and enjoy preferred partner pricing by clicking the button below.